SKU: TI302020

£10.30 Excl. VAT

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Softwood Featheredge Barn Cladding is suitable for cladding stables, barns, pergolas and effectively any timber framed structure. It is an economical way of covering large areas.

The timber is pressure treated green with Tanalith ‘E’ to protect against fungal decay and insect attack. You will need to ensure that any cut ends are re-sealed with an appropriate treatment.

This featheredge is cut from a 32mm board to give finished dimensions of approximately 25mm down to 8mm at the feathered end. Cutting the board on the diagonal produces a tapered board that is overlapped when fitted, similar to roof tiles, thus giving that traditional featheredge finish.

This cladding is for external use only. Please remember to make allowances for at least a 35mm overlap on each board (50mm is best) when making your calculations. If your boards are exposed to varying weather conditions before fitting, they are likely to cup, warp and split; the ideal time to fit cladding to keep this to a minimum is within 7 to 14 days of delivery.

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